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Angela Petruncio
Found Object Assemblage + Mixed Media Artist

I have been exploring found art since 2007.
Of all the various forms of artistic expression I have attempted throughout my life, I find this to be the most freeing and satisfying.
I have always felt the need to tell a story in my creative process. The objects themselves indicate to me what the narrative will be.
I may give the observer hints as to the stories that lie within through the titles of my work, but am happiest when people make their own connections for themselves. There is no “right or wrong” way to interpret these pieces.
I hope you will become engaged in the little worlds I have set before you.
Have fun ,
gold foil
plastic scrap,
NYC subway token
brass candlestick base,
reclaimed wood boxes
mirror shards
Dresden doll parts
toy soldiers
wooden beads
Scrabble tiles

My greatest influence: Joseph Cornell (1903-72)
American sculptor, one of the pioneers and most celebrated exponents of assemblage.
He had no formal training in art and his most characteristic works are his highly distinctive `boxes'. These are simple boxes, usually glass-fronted, in which he arranged surprising collections of photographs or Victorian bric-à-brac in a way that has been said to combine the formal austerity of Constructivism with the lively fantasy of Surrealism.

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